
Welcome to ‘Graceland’, welcome to hell

A scene from Graceland (Publicity photo)It is not very often that we stumble upon a film that's so raw and gripping that we have to catch our breath just to make it to the ending. This is the feeling that audiences should expect when they watch the film 'Graceland' written and directed by Ron Morales.
The Story
The film centers on Marlon Villar, the family driver of Congressman Manuel Chango. Life hasn't been easy for this guy. With a little daughter to send to school and a wife confined to the hospital, Marlon is indeed lucky just to get by. One day while he is driving his own daughter and his boss' daughter to school, they fall victim to a kidnapping attempt. During the incident, he got knocked out by the perpetrator. Not to give anything away, but what happens next is a dark, scary and downward dive to the pits of modern-day hell.
Can he save his own daughter?  Well it all depends on Marlon's next moves. However the bigger question is will he be able to save his own soul when all that matters to him is slowly being

