It started last year as lengthy bantering on Facebook.
Niño Avenido of Greyhoundz and Ian Tayao of WilaBaliW / Queso had come
up with nicknames for each other based on their love for comic book
Avenido had always owned up to the idea that he was Batman. Tayao
countered by calling himself Catman, despite being unsure that such a
character really existed. (A fan discovered that there was, indeed, a
Catman superhero.)So, Avenido and Tayao decided to come up with a band called BatCat, which went on to play their one and only gig a little over a year ago.
A second gig one year later
Recently, they decided BatCat needed to play a second gig, this time in Saguijo. To prepare, they rehearsed at Avenido's pad, which he calls the "BatCave." Alternate sessions would be held in Tayao's house, which he calls the "Kweba."
Like any dynamic duo, the existence of the other is crucial to the project, as they consider themselves supporting characters of each other's works. In the same